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Agora Garden the greenest building in the world

The Agora Garden Tower in Taipei City, Taiwan can not go unnoticed. Not only for being a great example of bio-climatic architecture but also because of its structure in DNA shape. In fact, its appearance is closely associated with its condition of sustainable construction and, in a figurative symbolism, of being a source of life and dynamism. At the architectural level, each double helix is represented by two housing units that form a complete level.

Developed by the studio Vincent Callebaut Architects, claims to be the world’s largest sustainable construction. Although not yet opened-this must end in 2016 – has received the Green Building category from the Interior Ministry of Taiwan.

“This project presents a pioneering concept of eco-friendly residential building which seeks to limit the ecological footprint of its inhabitants by finding the right symbiosis between human & nature.” Vincent Callebaut

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The first architect’s intention is “to build a vertical landscape of low energy consumption.” Both within the same integrated recycling of organic waste and water – as the rain stored in tanks to be used later to water plants in the gardens.
The tower also has solar panels, more precisely a photo-voltaic pergola in the center of 1000 sq m garden, on top of the building, to reduce energy consumption. In addition, the spiral shape makes the sun to reach each of the balconies in each apartment, all of them with urban gardens where growing different vegetables and fruits, and gardens covering the outside of the building.
The building has 20 floors with 40 open concept luxury apartments of 540 sq m. each,  where everything is built from recyclable materials, including furniture.