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The need for internationalizaton


For nearly six years we have invested heavily in the internationalization of Amat Immobiliaris. Around 2011 different circumstances made us to take this path with a long term vision. Some of these circumstances were the opening of a new office in Barcelona city, the marketing of a new product very focused on this kind of customer and, especially, actively seeking new customers when local demand was entirely disappeared due to the crisis.

 The idea was not to stay in Barcelona waiting for foreign buyers to come, but to find them in their countries of origin. We made internal changes to become truly in an international company (international staff, new services and adapted procedures) and in an external level we have not stopped traveling to introduce our brand everywhere and to build a set of relationships that, over time, provided us with a lot of knowledge and service, as well as clients. The trips have helped us to visit customers and partners, and we attended as exhibitors at fairs and active participation in different real estate conferences.

Today we can say that we have constant and close relationships with the best realtors around the world. If we take stock of the situation, in a short time we have been many times in Italy, the US, Switzerland, France, Monaco, Germany and China. And before the end of the year, we’ll be in UK, Portugal and in China again.

Basically, this has only just begun. We still have much work to do, but today, we get customers interested in Barcelona and its surroundings, and we are also able to find a property anywhere in the world to any of our clients.

In addition, to contact us to find properties abroad, from some time now we have an international search form on our website Amat Luxury:


Guifré Homedes

Office Director