On Tuesday, May 9, we were awarded with the EQAMOB & CO quality label, which recognizes and highlights the commitment of companies involved in training people to promote mobility in education and vocational training among other European countries. It was the Institute Francisco Ferrer Guardia that proposed us as deserving of this seal of quality for our work, welcoming students from other countries to carry out their training practices.
The event was attended by 27 other companies also awarded for a total of 70 students from 7 different European countries.
The EQAMOB & Co label has been developed by an international consortium (with members from Austria, Belgium, Catalonia, France, Iceland and Italy) as part of a project co-financed by the European Commission. The aim of this project is to improve the quality of the international mobility experiences of young Europeans in vocational training.This recognition testifies to the high quality of the professional experience that companies provide to European students or apprentices, always in collaboration with the Catalan training center, adjudicator of the distinction.
In addition to us, the companies that have been awarded are: Frapont from Barcelona, Museu Marítim of Barcelona, Impex Consultores SL from Barcelona, Moldtrans SL from Montcada i Reixac, Shophunters SL from Barcelona, Hotel Carlemany from Girona, Restaurant Divinum from Girona, Ajuntament de Girona, Auto Girona Mazda from Fornells de la Selva, Auto Taller Alacalà from Girona, Santiago Juandó Renault from Fornells de la Selva, Serveis Panella S.L from Riudellots de la Selva, Perruqueria Christian from Figueres, Perruqueria D’ara from Figueres, Perruqueria Livi’s from Figueres, Perruqueria Vilagran from Figueres, Hospital sociosanitari Mutuam Girona from Girona, Residència per a la gent gran – Sanitas Gerunda from Girona, Tecno-Elèctric Girona from Vilablareix, Rental Forklifts Europe SL from Vila-sana, Tallers A. Miquel de Sidamon, Eco Her & Beauty from Tarragona, Oktober Perruquers from Tarragona, Peluqueria Fashion from Tarragona, BASF Española SL from Tarragona, Dow Chemical Iberica SL from Tarragona.