Every year for Christmas time our city, Barcelona, dressed up to celebrate Christmas Time. Nowadays our city is having some works done. Several streets are suffering traffic problems for the needed of this works in order to keep Barcelona as an example of a nice style of life. It is true that these works bother […]
Category Archives: Barcelona
You love Barcelona, but…Do you know in which neighbourhood you would be happier? We propose you a fortnightly virtual tour through the different neighbourhoods of Barcelona. We will give you little hints for helping you to decide where to start seeking for your home. There are still areas in Barcelona where people that are used […]
The ’92 Barcelona Olympics Games changed Barcelona’s appearance. Actually, before 1992 the city didn’t even have beach! Nowadays, though, at Barcelona beaches is possible to play all kind of water sports: surf, paddle surf, swimming in open water, windsurf,… The Olympic Games implied a radical change in all aspects, as well as the opportunity of […]
Having children and moving into a big city can generate doubts and uncertainty. In many cases, families wonder if there will be enough leisure for their children. In the case of Barcelona, the city is known worldwide as cosmopolitan and culturally rich, and not only provides entertainment for demanding adults but also for demanding kids, […]
This weekend, October 25th/26th, Barcelona is holding the 48h Open House Barcelona within the Festival of Architecture of Barcelona. This is the fifth year in a row and the city opens doors of more than 150 buildings to bring closer architecture to all kind of public. The initiative started in 1992 in London and spread […]